Club Meeting – Wednesday 5th September @ 19:00

 Registration is closed for this event

September meeting - My Efficient Electric Home

Home energy advisor Tim Forcey describes how you can save money and be comfortable by taking steps to transform your home to "all-electric". Say good-bye to gas by using technologies such as heat pumps and rooftop solar PV. And let’s not forget the latest ideas in insulation, draught-proofing, window treatments and more!

Tim Forcey is a chemical engineer with 35 years of industrial energy experience with entities such as Esso, BHP, Jemena, and the Australian Energy Market Operator. Over the last 10 years and building on Tim’s research at the University of Melbourne Energy Institute, Tim has become one of Australia’s leading home-energy-improvement practitioners and commentators.

Tim’s article published at The Fifth Estate. Cutting the gas. Has the all-electric home’s time finally arrived?

Tim’s article published at The Conversation, The Age Domain, and Herald Sun: 22 ways to reduce your energy bills, before spending on solar panels.

Link to TIm’s dynamic Facebook discussion group My Efficient Electric Home, now with more than 3,000 members. New Members welcome!

September 5th, 2018 from  7:00 PM to  9:30 PM
479 Warrigal Rd
Suite 26, 1st Floor
Moorabbin, VIC 3189
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